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Gratis toegang tot WoTS 2024

Gratis toegang tot WoTS 2024

Wij nodigen u van harte uit voor de World of Industry, Technology & Science (WoTS) 2024-beurs. Dit hightech evenement vindt plaats van 24 tot en met 27 september in de Jaarbeurs te Utrecht. Samen met onze collega’s van VDL TBP Electronics staan wij klaar om u te verwelkomen op deze boeiende beurs.

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VDL Groep strengthens position in electronics with Rena acquisition

VDL Groep strengthens position in  electronics with Rena acquisition

VDL Groep has strengthened its position in the high-quality electronics market. The industrial family business with its head office in Eindhoven has acquired Rena Electronica from Zundert. Rena Electronica develops and produces electronics, among others for LED products, in different markets. As a result of this acquisition, VDL particularly sees synergy benefits with VDL TBP Electronics, the subsidiary based in Dirksland and Eindhoven, which specialises in the assembly of high-quality electronics, so-called printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs), circuit boards with electronic components.

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New inspiration in the field of SMT Smart Industry and software

New inspiration in the field of SMT Smart Industry and software

During the ASMPT Technology Days in Munich, our colleagues Ralf Maas, Jochem Winkelman and Bas van Beers were updated on the most recent possibilities and innovations in the field of Smart Industry and software. In the ASMPT Center of Competence they attended various interesting workshops and presentations.

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Willemien Tol

Customer Service

Tel. +31 - (0)76 - 599 5995
